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Now you can Buy A Subscription to the Square for a Friend or Brother

Posted in Blog
One of our greatest developments for this year is the production of gift cards to to help boost the subscriptions of the square by empowering others to sell subscriptions with ease. We hope this will work really well because its easy for people just to buy a card for someone else and because it a;lspo empowers proposers, wives and lodge mentors to buys subscriptions
The two gift subscription cards are being produced now and will be with us within two weeks. 
I hope you agree they look really good!

UK Gift Card  



Now there’s an even easier way to subscribe to the Square. 

A Gift Subscription to the Square makes the ideal present for any Freemason or Mason-to-be.  Never be stuck for ideas again!

This gift card entitles the bearer to one year’s subscription to the Square (to any UK address), the independent Masonic magazine brought to you by the world's oldest Masonic publisher. Published quarterly, your magazine will be delivered to your door.

The Square magazine with its new look and larger format, brings you in-depth and thought provoking articles on all aspects of Freemasonry written by some of the world’s leading Masonic writers.
Masons and non-Masons alike will find something of interest in the wide variety of articles and special features, which cover the whole spectrum of Freemasonry; including historical, social, charitable, esoteric, other Orders, collecting, ephemera, philately, book reviews, poetry, news and events, and on a lighter note Masonic humour.

Once you have your gift card, activating your subscription is easy - you can enter your details online athttp://www.thesquaremagazine.com/ or call our Subscription Phoneline 0844 245 6935 44 245 6935

International Gift Card 


Now there’s an even easier way to subscribe to the Square.

A Gift Subscription to the Square makes the ideal present for any Freemason or Mason-to-be.  Never be stuck for ideas again!

This gift card entitles the bearer to one year’s subscription to the Square, the independent Masonic magazine brought to you by the world's oldest Masonic publisher. Published quarterly, your magazine will be delivered to your door.

The Square magazine with its new look and larger format, brings you in-depth and thought provoking articles on all aspects of Freemasonry written by some of the world’s leading Masonic writers. 

Masons and non-Masons alike will find something of interest in the wide variety of articles and special features, which cover the whole spectrum of Freemasonry; including historical, social, charitable, esoteric, other Orders, collecting, ephemera, philately, book reviews, poetry, news and events, and on a lighter note Masonic humour.

Once you have your gift card, activating your subscription is easy - you can enter your details online at http://www.thesquaremagazine.com/ or call our Subscription Phoneline +44 (0)1795 592807
If you would like to sell Square Subscriptions please email [email protected]


XRumerTest on 31st May 2014

Hello. And Bye.

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