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Meet the Team

Meet the Lewis Masonic Team



Meet the Team

Martin Faulks | Managing Director

Martin is a specialist in memory and meditation. Known for his demonstrations of recall and mind over matter Martin has written over 20 books on or related to the mind sciences. A keen student of philosophy Martin has travelled the world to train with teachers of different traditions and cultures.

Martin’s interest in history, self-development and memory led him to Freemasonry and he was initiated into Burlington Lodge No. 96 in December 2001, raised to the Third Degree in 2003, and he took the chair in 2009. Martin is an active member of Burlington, having been Assistant Director of Ceremonies for three years and Charity Steward for four and is currently the Lodge Mentor. One of the earliest founded lodges in England, Burlington was the first ever to have an Inner Guard. It was also one of the two founding lodges of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement (which Martin still attends regularly), which went on to found Emulation Ritual, the most popular form of Masonic Craft Ritual in the United Kingdom today.

Having found a passion for Freemasonry, Martin, who was at the time running a book distribution company, felt he would like to put more into the Craft and so approached David Allan to see if there was an opportunity with such an eminent firm as Lewis. He was first offered the position of Marketing Manager of the Lewis Masonic imprint in 2005 and later promoted to General Manager in 2012. In 2021 Martin took over the reins and became the new managing director of the company.  Through his work with Lewis Masonic, Martin has made it his duty to help spread the good works of Freemasonry and promote a positive image of the craft.

Other Masonic appointments have included membership of Cabbell Lodge no 807 in Norwich, where Martin held the position of Master in 2008, but retired from the lodge after his year in the chair due to relocation.

He is also a Past Master of Canonbury Tower Lodge, which meets in the spectacular surroundings of Canonbury Tower in Islington, London. The former home of Sir Francis Bacon, this lodge is filled with some of the most interesting and scholarly minds in Freemasonry. 

2018 was a very exciting year for Martin. First, he published ‘A Mosaic Palace: Freemasonry and the Art of Memory’, a culmination of several years of research into the underlying structure of Masonry. His findings were first presented to QC Italy in Rome, and he has since given his talk to several other lodges and chapters around the world. Secondly, he was honoured to receive London Grand Rank from the Metropolitan Grand Lodge in London.

In 2021 Martin was elected as a member of the prestigious Quatuor Coronati lodge 2076 which is the premier lodge of research. He is currently serving the lodge as assistant secretary. In the very same year, Martin was promoted to the rank of Past Senior Grand Warden in the Regular Grand Lodge of Italy.

 Meet the Team 

In 2022 Martin was the Keynote speaker at the Victorian Freemasons Conference and was awarded the Grand Masters Order of Merit for his research into the use of Hebrew Letters in early Masonic ritual.

 Meet the Team 

In 2024, Martin was appointed as Junior Grand Deacon of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.

 Meet the Team 

In 2025 Martin both joined Earl of Euston Mark 1458 and was honoured to be perfected into the Rose Croix in Castle Gates Chapter 653.

 Meet the Team 

Martin is also a dedicated member of The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia in which he holds the following grades/positions:

  • Grade VII - Adeptus Exemptus
  • Deputy Librarian General

 In 2023 Martin was promoted to the 7th Grade in the Operative or the Worshipful Society of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers. 

Meet the Team 


Kindra Faulks | Publishing Director

After over a decade of working as a professional historian and running her own successful company, Kindra brings her passion for the past and experience to our historical company as our Publishing Director. Prior to joining Lewis, Kindra had already experienced the world of publishing from editing through to cover design, as well as being a author herself. With a first-class degree in history from Bath Spa University, Kindra aims to build on the rich history of Lewis Masonic and the vision of its founder James Hogg.
Kindra's particular research interests lie in late-medieval chivalry and how society changed and developed over the ensuing centuries. Her dissertation was an in-depth analysis of armour over the fourteenth century. Kindra loves to travel and has visited Masonic temples, museums and libraries around the world, as well as attending several Masonic events and conferences including Masonic Week in Washington, US; Masonic Day in Vancouver, Canada; and Quatuor Coronati Cambridge Conference, UK.
She was delighted to be invited to join the Stationers' Company by Stationers' Past Master and previous owner, RW Bro. ProProvGM David Allan and is an active member. In 2024, after gaining her Freedom of the City of London in May, she was cloathed as a Liveryman of the Stationers' Company, making her a full member.



  Meet the Team


John Peters | Product Director


John Peters has been a Freemason for over 40 years and has a wide knowledge of many degrees in Freemasonry, as well as an understanding of both Livery Companies and Civic Societies. He now comes to Lewis Masonic to add quality items that will aid book readers and Masons in their Masonic journey.


John is also the managing director of https://redclifferegalia.com

Meet the Team 

Tanya Robinson | PA to Directors

Tanya brings a wealth of publishing expertise to Lewis Masonic, having co-founded and run her own specialist publishing company for over a ten years. Her nearly two decades of living and working in Asia have given her a unique global perspective, enriching her deep passion for Freemasonry, history, and the timeless wisdom found in alchemy and old traditions. With a lifelong commitment to self-development and exploration, Tanya’s knowledge and enthusiasm align perfectly with the values of Lewis Masonic.

Meet the Team  

Jason Mayfield-Lewis | Publishing Designer


Blessed with a great love for all things technical and technological, Jason comes to Lewis Masonic having been headhunted from the photographic industry.
Although Jason's primary duties focus on editing and typesetting, his knowledge of information technology, experience in archive curation, and photographic skills means that he is often called on to aid in all areas of the business.
Meet the Team 

 Kris Jones| General Manager

After a lifetime of working in the printing industry, Kris has finally been recruited into publishing. Bringing a wealth of experience and an eye for detail to the company Kris is the newest recruit to the Lewis team and is currently learning the ropes as his responsibilities gradually expand with a view to taking over the reins. 
Kris is an Entered Apprentice and has just joined Euston Lodge 2283, which meets above the Lewis Masonic headquarters in St Neots!
Meet the Team  

Derek Bain | Editor

Derek was initiated into St Peters Lodge 481 in the Province of Northumberland in 1976 by his father. It is not an understatement to say the Freemasonry is in his blood. He has since gone on to be a member of lodges in Dorset, Northants and Huntingdonshire and London, becoming the WM in two lodges. He holds provincial Rank in Northumberland and LGR in London. In the Royal Arch he holds London Chapter Grand Rank. He has been a member of Mark and is a Past Commander in RAM. He has a passion for the esoteric side of Freemasonry and for Orders that promote a deeper understanding of the ‘Mysteries’. It is therefore no surprise that he is very active in SRIA and is currently Chief Adept for the Province of North Eastern Counties.