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What Masonic Book Would You Like to Read?

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We know our customers are discerning Masonic readers and so we want to know what you would like to read next. 

Tell us about a book you would like to see published by Lewis Masonic. It could be a title about the history and mystery of Freemasonry or one that tells you more about Ritual. Does the symbolism of the Three Degrees fascinate you or do you want to know more about the running of a Lodge. Would you like to see more books about a particular Order or perhaps a certain Masonic figure?

Let us know by leaving your comments below. 

We are always looking for new authors, so if you feel you would like to be a new voice in Freemasonry, please contact [email protected] for details of our submissions process.


Jeneral on 15th February 2013

I am not sure I would agree with the article, only beausce I have not seen any of those new types. I left the lodge after about 4 years, beausce I was desirous. I left on a search for my master and never looked back. No one was PREPARED for the questions I had as an EA and it only got worse. Dan Brown's book awoke my interest again. So, I am know looking for a new home in a new state. It would make perfect sense however, I have just not seen it. Sometimes I wonder is it even relevant anymore?

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