David West
Dr David West BA PhD gained his first degree in Philosophy from the University of Exeter and his Doctorate of and in Philosophy from the University of Leicester. He taught university in England and Canada for several years, publishing in the academic press. His business career included Ford and Xerox. He served on several committees on the future of work, was special adviser to a cabinet minister and later founded The Working Manager Ltd, creating the core content of its web based management education process. He is the author of:
Employee Engagement and the failure of leadership
The Goat, the Devil and the Freemason (a history and philosophy of ideas)
What to do when you have nothing to do (or how to find those candidates who have been looking for you all this time)
Dr West is a member of three lodges and four chapters under the English Constitution. He is married to Jenny, a retired Consultant Clinical Psychologist who specialised in Learning Disabilities, and they celebrate forty-six years of marriage in 2014. They have two children, one a lawyer on the side of the angels and the other a professional musician.
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