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The Acacia Book - UGLE Directory

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ISBN: 9600651000049
SKU: 9600651000049
(Approx $25.85)
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About The 2024 Edition of The UGLE Acacia Book

A Complete up-to-date Directory of Every Grand Lodge Recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England

  The 2024 Edition has been improved based on feedback from Brothers like you around the world. 

 [ NEW IN 2024 ] More Lodges and Grand Lodges:  Freemasonry is continuing to grow around the world. We've added five new Grand Lodges to The Acacia Book, and hundreds of new Lodges.  We've also removed Lodges that closed or merged, so you can be sure that you're looking at the most up-to-date list possible.

 [ NEW IN 2024 ] More Masonic Conferences:    We've nearly doubled the number of Conferences listed, both in the overview section and in each Grand Lodge's profile.

 [ EXPANDED ] More Masonic Education:  You loved the quotes, info, and pictures we added to The Acacia Book... so we added more!  This book isn't just a reference, it's a chance to learn more about the Craft around you.  Do you have something to submit for future editions?  Send us a note at [email protected]! Of course, these updates just add to what already makes The Acacia Book a requirement for every Secretary's desk.  

The 2024 edition still includes: Global Recognition Roster:  The Grand Lodges of the World section shows every Grand Lodge that is recognized by one other Regular Grand Lodge, and whether you recognize them or not.  With over 300 Grand Lodges listed, it's never been easier to find your visitor's. Quick-Find Country Codes:  Skip the table of contents... we've added country codes to the page headers so you can flip through quickly and stop exactly where you need to be.  Remember, the codes may not be in the order you expect... see the list of UN Country Codes at the back of the book for details. Grand Lodge Seals:  It's not always easy to tell Grand Lodges apart by their names... so we've added seals to each profile.  As a bonus, this is also one more way to check your visitor's dues card! 

Quick-Launch QR Codes:  We all know the truth... this book is out of date as soon as it's printed.  Updated info is always in the Amity app, though... so we've added a QR code to each Grand Lodge profile to help you get there quickly.  Just scan a Grand Lodge's code, and Amity will show you all of its active Lodges. Lodges in Numerical Order:  We know you use this book for testing visitors, not finding Lodges to visit... so we've sorted the Lodges by number to help your search. 

One More Reminder...  no matter what you read in this book, your Grand Secretary is always the final say on matters of recognition.  

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