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Emulation Working Today

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ISBN: 9780853182764
SKU: 9780853182764
(Approx $20.73)
In Stock In Stock
Customer Reviews
This volume is not only an invaluable guide to the performance of craft ritual as taught by the Emulation Lodge of Improvement but a guide to the learning and performance of Masonic Ritual as an art and a discipline. For this reason it will be of great value to any Freemason no matter what ritual his lodge works. The book contains an in depth and detailed guide to the procedures and of Craft ritual as practiced by the Emulation Lodge of Improvement and the roles and work of each officer in the lodge. It also provides an exhaustive guide to the path through the offices including both handy tips on problem areas in the ritual and how to correct common errors. Any Masonic ritualist will find great benefit in the guidance contained in this book. 176 Pages

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