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The Craft and Its Symbols

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SKU: 9780880530583
(Approx $19.42)
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Customer Reviews

Resembling the Lambskin Apron, The Craft and Its Symbols is one of the most popular Masonic books published. Brother Allen Roberts assembles the many symbols of the Blue Lodge and organises them into sections which follow a new members path to Master Mason. Containing 81 illustrations, the reader will find this book an "easy read" and a great introduction. In contrast to some Masonic authors discussing the esoteric nature of Masonry and dive into the ancient origins of the lessons, the descriptions found here are made in plain language and is presented in a format where the older mason in addition to the new members can learn. 

Publisher:  Macoy

Size: A5 Hardbound

ISBN 9780880530583. .

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