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The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation

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ISBN: 9780853183181
SKU: 9780853183181
(Approx $10.35)
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Customer Reviews
In Turning the Hiram Key, Lomas the Scientist wrote about the Psychology, Biology and Dramatology of the Craft. He investigated brain states, the chemicals of emotion and the dramatic urges of ritual. It was a book of modern science applied to a ancient tradition.

The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation is different and revelatory. In it Lomas the Freemason speaks directly to the souls of his brethren. Jonathan Black sums up the change when he says.

“The opening of this new book announces a deep and solemn change in Robert Lomas as a writer and as a man. Something has happened to him.”

Lomas admits this book is intentionally mystical.

"I ask my readers temporarily to set aside science and to listen, as a child, to the ancient teaching of the Craft as it shows you how you might know yourself. This book will take you on an imaginative journey deep into that inner part of your consciousness that Freemasonry calls your soul."

Not since the glory days of Wilmshurst, Ward and Waite has any serious Masonic writer attempted to look at the Meaning of Masonry in such knowledgeable depth

Freemasonry has a deep purpose which can be overlooked in the rush of the modern world. Its ritual says it is a high and serious subject. But how can an individual discover the truths it outlines? How do you become an Initiate and a Master? A new, spiritually-aware generation is asking this question and demanding answers. This book responds in an unexpectedly visual way. Using words and images it leads you through the spiritual stages of Masonic knowledge.

The Craft teaches that each new Apprentice shall find a teacher to gain instruction. The open Lodge is not the place for instruction but a place for living out truths which should be taught privately by contemplation of symbols. Robert Lomas has spent thirty years as a University teacher, and twenty years studying Freemasonry and its ritual. In this book he shares his personal insight into the Craft, explains his understanding of its ritual and outlines the steps a Mason must take to find self-knowledge. His words are illuminated by the unique symbolic drawings of two masters of Masonic Tracing board design.

The purpose of Freemasonry is to help its members become Initiates in the science of Life. If you want to know yourself, then Freemasonry offers a path to that knowledge. It is a spiritual adventure, fit for the athletic and adventurous mind. The Secret Science of Masonic Initiation reveals that path.

Binding Paperback Format 182 x 119 Extent 96 pages

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