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Workman Unashamed, The Testimony of a Christian Freemason

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Workman Unashamed, The Testimony of a Christian Freemason
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ISBN: 9780853185895
SKU: 9780853182474
(Approx $19.42)
In Stock In Stock
Customer Reviews

‘a workman who has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of truth’
(2 Tim 2:15 RSV).

A comprehensive, well-researched guide to the compatibility of Freemasonry with Christianity

Written from the heart, in a clear and well constructed manner, this book clearly demonstrates the compatibility of Freemasonry and Christianity. Using his in-depth knowledge of Christian scripture, Haffner has carefully examined the accusations levelled at Freemasonry. He gives reasoned answers and explanations to the issues raised in anti- Masonic publications and exposes their lack of substance. There are chapters explaining the organisation and background of Freemasonry and how it functions, including the beliefs encompassed in the Order. This is a book every Freemason should have in his library both for his own reference and to educate non-Masons or those considering joining the Craft.


Dust Jacket

272 pages

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