Gerald Sclater
Anyone who knows the province of Devonshire will know of W Bro Gerald Sclater from the Lopes Lodge No 5526 and St Thomas Lodge No 4198.
Gerald was initiated into Lopes in 2007 and became a joining member of St Thomas lodge in 2012 where he served as served as assistant secretary and later as lodge secretary, He became W.M of Lopes Lodge in 2015 and was promoted to Junior Warden in 2017.
Since then his kindly disposition and natural wit have earned him very many friends. As a retired nurseryman few would have known of his hidden artistic talents which he has harnessed exclusively for charitable causes.
This collection of computer-generated pictures reminds us of the fun and comradeship Freemasonry provides. It also shows what wonderful characters and what amusing foibles we have! All revealed with a gentle humour, typical of our author.
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