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The Lodge Mentor

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ISBN: 9780853183396
SKU: 9780853183396
(Approx $12.60)
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It has long been recognised in Lodges that a Mentor can provide invaluable support, advice and information to Candidates. Grand Lodge is investigating formally raising the profile of the role and in the meantime increasing numbers of Lodges are setting up mentoring programmes, some as formal appointments and others as informal schemes. For all there is a need for an accessible book outlining the best practice for a Mentor and giving advice on how best to fulfil this role. In this book Richard Johnson presents a practical guide to the Mentor. He introduces the role and why it has become increasingly necessary to appoint Mentors. The main part of the book then deals with how the Mentor can assist the Candidate for initiation and the member after initiation, passing and raising. The Mentor is involved in all aspects of running the Lodge as he can guide Members through their career in the Lodge. Richard Johnson also gives a useful bibliography of various official booklets and leaflets that are available on many of the individual aspects of the role. The chapters are: Introduction, The Candidate for Initiation, The Member After Initiation, The Member After Passing, The Member After Raising, and The Member After Occupying the Chair of the Lodge.


Paperback, 96 pages

Published by Lewis Masonic (22 April 2010)

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