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What Just Happened? The Master Mason

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ISBN: 9690000038854
SKU: 9780853186311
(Approx $7.12)
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Customer Reviews

Congratulations! You have completed the final step in the three degrees of Craft Freemasonry but, as you will soon realise, there is more, much more! 

In the second of these booklets we discovered that not only has the Entered Apprentice Degree borrowed from the Fellow Craft Degree but so also parts of the Third. Recent research strongly indicates the degree of the Master Mason being compiled by early grandees, and one in particular, during the early 1720s. In this booklet, what, how and why that happened will be revealed to you along with several other aspects. For now, it is sufficient to say that this separated Hiramic degree came into being sometime before 1730, although there is evidence of aspects being known amongst speculative Freemasons long before.

In this small volume, you will not find anything fanciful but rather authoritative explanations backed by footnote references to highly respected sources allowing you to understand the historical context and original intended meaning of every aspect of the ritual. This short guide covers everything you experienced including the working tools tracing boards and different sections of the ritual. 

Pocket Paperback

40 Printed Pages

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