Heptarchia Mystica
Magum Opus Hermetic Volume No. 17. The Heptarchia Mystica of John Dee
This magical notebook, written by John Dee during 1582-83, is a detailed and spiritual account of planetary magical operations for invoking planetary angels. It includes a list of the forms in which some of these spirits appear, along with magic letter squares and sigils. The angel Uriel plays a central role in these operations, which form the foundation of much of the Enochian or Angelic workings. Robert Turner has transcribed the text from the original manuscript and provides explanatory notes and commentary on this significant text. The "Heptarchia Mystica" appears to be a work that bridges the 16th-century magical systems derived from Peter of Abano or the Picatrix and the unique system that Dee and Kelley developed in their Angelic Magic.
Date Published: 1983
Page Number: 81
Cover Type: Handbound leather hardback
Illustrations: 25
Translated by: Paul Ferguson
Signed by: Adam McLean