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The Provincial Priory of Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire

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ISBN: 9780853186403
SKU: 9780853186403
(Approx $15.54)
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Customer Reviews

A Celebration of One Hundred and Fifty Years 

A Celebration of 150yrs of the Province of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and

Buckinghamshire 1873-2023

‘A great piece of investigative work by the author, who strove tirelessly to
recover the lost seventy years of the Province’s history.  In so doing, he has
produced a superb reference book and definitive history of our Preceptories
and our Priors who are no longer just names. They now come to life and their
contribution and service may be celebrated.  This unique endeavour deserves
resounding success and acclaim’.
Dean White
Provincial Sub Prior 

The Province of Oxon, Berks and Bucks is proud to announce that the research
detailed within this book was instrumental in the recognition by Great Priory of
our Province’s 150 years’ service.  To mark this milestone, on the 14 th October
2023, the Most Eminent and Supreme Grand Master, Paul Raymond Clement,
presented the Right Eminent Provincial Prior of Oxfordshire, Berkshire and
Buckinghamshire, Graham John McGowan-Smyth, with a Sesquicentennial
Certificate at the 150 TH Gala Dinner celebrations, held at the Beaumont DeVere
Estate “Chapel” Old Windsor.
All profits from this book are being donated to the Jerusalem Eye Hospital.

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