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Knights Templar Tracing Board

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SKU: KTprint
(Approx $7.5565)
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The Knight Templar Degree

The Knight Templar board is directly based upon a boardfound in the first Lodge of Ireland, Lodge No.1, Tuckey Street, County Cork. 

Tuckey Street is also home to The Royal Arch Chapter No.1and provides the earliest reference to Royal Arch masonry…According to LodgeNo. 21's records, the “Royal Arch” was carried in a procession by “twoexcellent Masons” through Youghal, Ireland, on 27 December 1743.

Tuckey Street is also home of The Order of The Temple,Mourne Preceptory, No. 1. The earliest recorded minute in the world of theKnights Templar degree being worked is from the minutes of the first meeting ofan Irish Royal Arch Lodge on the 20th August 1769.

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