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The Warriors and the Bankers

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ISBN: 0853182523
SKU: 9780853182528
(Approx $12.94)
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Customer Reviews

In The Warriors and the Bankers, the research and writing team of Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe bring their combined experiences to bear on the question asked for hundreds of years, What became of the Knights Templar? Arrested in 1307, dissolved in 1312 and executed by 1314, the Templars have been the subject of many theories concerning their possible survival. This book examines these theories against new evidence and information. Additionally the authors put forth, for the first time, a completely NEW theory that has caught the ears, eyes and attention of many readers. The ultimate conclusion is that the Templars did survive, virtually intact and that in a very direct sense, they may still be one of the most potent forces at work in the world at the start of the new Millennium. The Warriors and the Bankers is eminently readable and is intended for both the serious student of Templarism or simply the interested observer.


96 Pages

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