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Ritual in Mind: A Memory System for Learning Masonic Ritual Tool

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ISBN: 9780853183440
SKU: 9780853183440
(Approx $7.75)
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Customer Reviews

**This title is in the process of being reprinted, but due to unpredictable circumstances there has been a short delay. Please be assured that we will fulfil orders as soon as possible.**

Ritual in Mind offers a visual memory system for learning Masonic ritual and is an ideal alternative to Masonic Mnemonics. It is intended both to nurture younger Masonic brethren into learning the ritual and to give a helping hand to the rest of us. The author has applied his research into memory retention in learning Masonic ritual and explores the theory behind visual memory retention techniques and applies this to the working tools of the first three degrees in the Craft.

In addition, Ritual in Mind is an essential text to support the mentoring process for Provincial Mentoring schemes. A text like this is an ideal gift from the Province, lodge or proposer to their initiate, encouraging them to take an active role in lodge ceremonies and to prevent the natural wastage of brethren who become disenchanted with Freemasonry as they feel they cannot become fully engaged in the workings of their respective lodges.

Paperback 80 Pages

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