Oliver Lodge
Oliver Lodge was initiated into the Lodge of Antiquity No.2 in 1988 and reached the Chair in 1999. The following year he became a Grand Steward. In 2003 he was appointed Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, serving the customary three years, during which he participated in Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter.
As the first Chairman of the Universities Scheme, Oliver developed its structure in its early years as the concept of a university lodge was extended beyond its long-standing core in Oxford and Cambridge. With the founding President, RW Bro David Williamson, Oliver travelled the country identifying early opportunities for existing lodges to join the Scheme, forming links with their respective universities.The Scheme, under successive chairmen and its second President, has expanded to almost 100 lodges covering most of the universities in England and Wales, as well as a select few based in Districts, beyond the shores of Great Britain.
In 2009 Oliver succeeded RW Bro Jonathan Spence as the Grand Director of Ceremonies, beginning a ten-year tenure which was to see the historic Tercentenary as well as some 60 meetings of Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter, the consecration of the new Grand Lodge of Monaco and many provincial and district installations in England and Wales, the Caribbean, South America, India, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, the Far East and Africa. He stood down from the best job in Freemasonry in 2019 and was invited to take the chair of Senior Grand Warden.
Oliver regards himself as one of the luckiest Masons alive, having enjoyed every role he has been fortunate enough to be appointed to and experienced so much variety and so many Masonic highlights.
On becoming Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2009, in succession to RW Bro Jonathan Spence, Oliver began a ten-year tenure which was to see the historic Tercentenary as well as some 60 meetings of Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chapter, the consecration of the new Grand Lodge of Monaco and many provincial and district installations in England and Wales, the Caribbean, South America, India, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, the Far East and Africa. He stood down from ;the best job in Freemasonry; in 2019 and was invited to take the chair of Senior Grand Warden.
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