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Philosphical Discourse

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Philosphical Discourse
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(Approx $224.13)
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Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks No. 46

This remarkable book from the late 18th century was published in Paris in 1781. Its author, Sabine Stuart de Chevalier, is one of the very few women alchemists who have left behind a written text, and almost the only one published in a printed volume. The book is divided into two parts: the first part is by Sabine herself, while the second volume is under her husband's name. As she died during the writing of the book, it is likely that Claude completed the work using Sabine's notes. The two parts of the book meld together so seamlessly that they must have the same author behind them. The text deals with both a philosophical investigation of the nature of substance and a practical exploration of the uses of alchemy in improving mining operations, agriculture, and other applications.

Date Published: 2103

Page Number:186

Cover Type: Handbound leather hardback

Illustrations: 2 black and white

Edition: Limited 

Translated by: Paul Ferguson

Signed by: Adam McLean

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