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Freemasonry in the Transatlantic World

by wade
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SKU: 9780853185642
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Freemasonry in a Transatlantic World

Clothbound and embossed in silver, this hardback volume explores the development of Freemasonry during the eighteenth century on the emerging independent states of the New World and the impact this had on both sides of the Atlantic.

Was £27.50 now £19.99

Papers include:

The Conflicted Image of Eighteenth-Century English Freemasonry - Paul Monod

During the earliest years of Grand Lodge, Freemasonry members took part in great processions, sponsored plays, reported their important events and even individual initiations to the national papers. They sought to project an image of respectability and integrity while making the claim that they imparted, through initiation, a set of moral codes of ethical behaviour that led to an improvement of the character.

However, not everyone was convinced and some accused Masons of being low-life time wasters, hypocrites, woman haters and even conspirators. Mocked in words, pictures and parodies, how did the brotherhood respond to such statements?

The American Peacemakers: An Introduction to a French Colonial Masonic Order  - Neil Wynes Morse

The fascinating story and ritual of the Sublime Ordre Militaire des Pacificateurs Américains, Chevaliers Princes du Tropique. A secret society formed by Freemasons with one purpose - the restoration of the colony of Santo Domingo; the return of the legitimate authority. This unique order was so focused on this goal that its lodge room was arranged in the form of a warship and the members wore military style costumes! 

Lovelace Overton: A Bajans Transatlantic Experience of Freemasonry - Susan Snell

A respected black trumpeter in the 1st King's Dragoon Guards, Lovelace Overton was admitted as a Freemason in Brighton, England (United Grand Lodge of England) in 1825 and very much lived by Masonic principles. A strong force for equality, he seems to have mostly tried to be careful to cautiously nudge things in the right direction as much as he could, but when needed, he would take more dramatic direct measures. Whilst visiting his native Barbados he physically stepped in to protect a slave from being badly beaten by his owner. In doing so he got himself into a lot of trouble. In his defence Overton argued that he had forgotten that, unlike in England, slavery was still legal in Barbados.

Swedish Freemasonry on St Barthélemy around 1800: The Complex History of Transatlantic Fraternalism - Andreas Onnerfors

The Swedish Rite has its origin in the work led first by Carl Friedrich Eckleff and then subsequently Duke Carl of Södermanland (the later King Carl XIII of Sweden) during the second half of the eighteenth century and finished in 1800. The rituals and the fundamental laws of Carl XIII governing the system still constitute with few modifications the foundation for the work in The Swedish Rite. With its alchemical and esoteric content it makes it more fascinating to discover that it was present in the Caribbean Island of St Barthélemy around 1800.

Revival of the Grand Lodge: Provincial Expansion - Mark C. Wallace

Find out how the revival of a Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1736 led to a Masonic boom in membership, number of lodges and expansion overseas.

An Enlightened Exercise of the Right of Suffrage: A Prosopographical Study of the 1831 Anti-Masonic Party Delegates - Jeffrey Croteau

It was the first American third party, the first political party to hold a national nominating convention, and the first to offer the electorate a platform of party principles, but who were its leaders and did they really believe what the party said about Freemasonry?

Francophone Lodges in Baltimore 1794-1822 - Jeffrey R. Kaplan

Discover the fascinating story of the French speaking lodge in Baltimore, learn how they were a milieu of French culture and how political and cultural suspicion of the time affected the working of the lodge and its members. 

William Hurricane Gilbert and the Wilder Shores of Freemasonry - Marsha Keith Schuchard

Discover the story of William Hurricane Gilbert the romantic, astrologer poet who was friends with Wordsworth. Although a white man, William saw himself as African and longed  to travel to Abyssinia to join his supposed kinsmen, the tribe of Gibberti (in the province of modern Djibouti). 

This odd self-fashioning from white to black was rooted in his childhood and young adulthood on his familys sugar plantation in Antigua. William was convinced that Africa was the place of origin of Freemasonry and worked with other Freemasons to bring about the end of slavery.

The Ends of the Masonic Atlantic - Hans Schwartz

Gain insight into three lodges that connected Masonry from Canada to the Caribbean to Cape Town building trade routes and forming alliances. 

The Multifaceted Freemasons of Jamaica: Each One Members of the Other - Jackie Ranston

Learn about the interestingly varied characters that were Freemasons. Meet poet and mathematician, Francis Williams the Freeborn Blackman who had his education paid for by the Grand Master (the 2nd Duke of Montagu) who wished to demonstrate that those of other races had equal intelligence. Discover Scotsman Charles Lesle who wrote Masonic poems and books about his time in Jamaica.

Also meet Brother Ira Aldridge who gained great attention playing the Jamaican criminal three-fingered Jack and in addition to enthralling audiences with his Othello, won fame for playing other Shakespearean roles including Shylock, Macbeth, Richard III, and King Lear all in whiteface, that is wearing white make-up and a wig. These and more characters await you!

Whence Came Ye? The Irish Influence on American Freemasonry - Andrew Hammer

Its well known that Irish Freemasonry had a strong role in the creation of American Freemasonry, but can we see traces of this influence in the ritual, practises and attitudes of American lodges? This suggestive enquiry looks and details like working tools, positioning of the lodge furniture and modes of recognition.

Masonic Activity in New Jersey (1730-1775) - Erich Huhn

An exploration of the evidence of the very early Masonic activity and members of the New Worlds first Masonic District.

The English Lodge in Florence 1732-1738 - Lucio Artini & Roberto Perticucci

Explores the events that took place in Florence in the first half of the 1700s, including the founding of the first Masonic lodge, which, whilst never officially recognized by London, many Englishmen present in the Grand Duchy (Masons or who would assume a prominent role in British Masonry) played a leading role. The excommunication blocked Masonic activity in Florence, but also the activities of thinkers who claimed the scientific tradition of Galileo and a freedom of study and dialogue that instead found its fulcrum in English Masonry.

The Republican Craft: Freemasonry and the Politics of Loyalist Saint John - David Bell

Discover the Masonic activity and political presence in a number of Masonic lodges during a time of great change and conflict.

Seabury: God's Call among the Winds of Change - John T. Acaster

Many people have heard of great American Masonic heroes like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Prince Hall. This paper seeks to ask you to add one more to this list, Dr Samiel Seaby the clergyman who was enthusiastic about endorsing Freemasonry and Masonic principles.

Freemasonry & Material Culture: The Case of the English Aprons before 1813 - Felipe Corte Real de Camargo


An indepth look at the symbols and items pictured on pre-union aprons and the insights they give us.

Partnerships & the Business of American Masonic Certificates, 1800-1830 :Hilary Anderson Stelling

Many American engraved certificates produced in the early 1800s were the result of arrangements forged between craftsmen and entrepreneurs. These artisans and businessmen, filling the various roles of engraver, designer, printer and distributor, collaborated to produce and sell certificates to the growing Masonic market of the time.

Brother William Smith: Priest, Educator, & Masonic Leader of

Colonial & Revolutionary America - Shawn Eyer

Discover more about one of the founding fathers of Freemasonry in America, learn about his contributions to society and education and discover the sermons and the influence they had.

The Role of Men of Colour in the Early Period of Freemasonry - Oscar Alleyne

Men of Colour at the start of Grand Lodge Freemasonry in the eighteenth century?

Since the formation of the current Grand Lodge system in Freemasonry, this peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols continues to reveal avenues for contemplation. This paper explores the myths, evidence, and role of men of colour in the early growth period of the institution. The reader will be able to gain a unique perspective of the lesser-understood participation among men of colour in Freemasonry outside a commonly and incorrectly perceived notion that the first black Freemason was a man by the name of Prince Hall. Key figures such as John Pine, Joseph Bologne, Angelo Soliman, Comte de St. Laurent, and John Bobey will be examined from a historical and Masonic perspective. The findings will illustrate and challenge conventional narratives which suggest that access to Freemasonry was categorically denied to men of colour.

1717 or 1721? - Ric Berman & Susan M. Sommers

Was the Premier Grand Lodge of England really founded in 1717 or was there a bit of backdating? Join the debate as two knowledgeable, eloquent historians examine the evidence available.

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