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Mark and Ark Talks

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SKU: 9780853185550
(Approx $18.05)
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Customer Reviews

Mark and Ark Talks


Mike Karn


The 20 talks in this book cover a range of interesting topics, including:

The Mark of Independence

The Keystone

The Overseers

Who was Adoniram?

Working Tools

Biblical Noah

The Deluge

Why the Pophyry Stone?


 These have been written especially to be used at Lodge meetings, perhaps when a Lodge has little or no work. An interesting talk on a Masonic subject would make the meeting worthwhile and help to keep such Lodges active.


Each talk is separate and distinct. It can be used on its own and will last from 10 to 15 minutes.The book has been produced in a convenient spiral bound design so that a talk can be read straight from the book and the pages easily turned.

Ringbound 85 Pages

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