St Germain MS.
Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks No. 41 (Triangular Magical manuscript of Saint Germain)
The work attributed to the infamous Comte de Saint Germain is written in a cipher text, which adds to its mystery and allure for modern readers. The cipher is a simple substitution and can be easily decrypted into French. The text contains three magical diagrams or lamens used in a basic low magic ritual. It begins with a grand declaration, describing itself as "The Holy Magic revealed to Moses, discovered in an Egyptian monument and preciously preserved in Asia under the emblem of a winged dragon." The magic presented is of a practical nature rather than an elevated philosophical or transcendental form.
Date Published: 2011
Language: French and English
Page Number: 137
Cover Type: Handabound leather hardback
Edition: Limited
Illustrations: 4
Translated by: Carl Lavoie
Signed by: Adam McLean