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The Square Magazine - June 2012

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SKU: SQU062012
(Approx $3.82)
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Customer Reviews

P. G. Wodehouse, author and, fleetingly, Freemason

Donald Davinson  - PG Wodehouse was one of the twentieth century's most prolific authors; and his works contain many Masonic references.


Banner Lodges their rise and their fall

Gordon Davie -  A Banner Lodge is not a lodge with a single banner, but rather a lodge that has been presented with a number of banners

by individual members to commemorate some office or occasion.


Square Debate - Women and Freemasonry

Jonathan Todd -  In 1723, when Anderson drafted Constitutions, with one stroke of his pen he prohibited women from becoming Freemasons under the Grand Lodge of England. Now, nearly three centuries on, is it time for our constitution to change?


The British Sub Aqua Lodge

Barry Gray  - The British Sub Aqua Lodge No. 8997 welcomes members from all over Britain who have a shared interest in both the fraternities of sub-aqua diving and Masonry.


Benjamin Addy

Paul Hurst  - A Profile of Benjamin Addy, Pro Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons.


Caricature - Benjamin Addy

Steve Chadburn - One of a series of Caricatures of leading Freemasons.


Royal Cumberland Lodge No. 41 and its Breast Jewels.

Mervyn Bryce - The story of a Lodge and its jewels.


Of Mature Age, Sound Judgement and Strict Morals? -

Welcome to the Connaught Club

Lewis Clement - Freemasonry has long been considered an older man's hobby. The Connaught Club sets out to bring together London's community of young Freemasons.


A Great Leap forward for Lodge Secretaries

Gordon Hunt  - The Complete Lodge Secretary computer program is ideally positioned to address these issues for the benefit of Lodge Secretaries.


Freemasonry in France: A brief history

John Belton  - Freemasonry in France has again been in the news and sadly recent events in the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF) brings little credit to Freemasonry in general. The article looks at the historical background to French Masonic life.


From the 17th to the 21st Century: a story of continual evolution

Established in 1685, Toye, Kenning & Spencer's

story is one of a company that has continually

evolved.  The latest initiative is the creation

of a stylish new facility specifically for

Freemasons - The Clubroom at Toye.


Understanding Membership & Recruitment

Article 1: Where to begin?

Martin Roche  - This is the first of three articles addressing the issues of recruitment and retention and hopefully providing simple and practical advice.


The Significance of the Chapter

Reverend Neville Barker-Cryer  - The Royal Arch is essential to the Speculative Craftsmen and has always been regarded by many as the culmination of Freemasonry.


The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales

and its Provinces Overseas

Following its inauguration in October 2005 the Masonic Order of Athelstan continues to develop and move from strength to strength.


Letters to the Editor


Brother Brother's Journal

Michael Halleran - Right or Most? - The District Deputy - The recollections of a nineteenth-century American gentleman of the Craft.


The Pillars in Time

John Paternoster  - The importance of Biblical measurements is not the actual feet and inches, but that they form simple and fundamental proportions such as occur throughout Nature.


Ashlar Chippings

Hugh O'Neill - Snippets of Masonic miscellanea.


Instruction, Promulgation & Reconciliation

Yasha Beresiner - The earliest reference to a Lodge of Instruction in England is 1768.


Your Masonic Questions Answered

Graham Redman - Some interesting questions on Masonic procedure and protocol answered by the acknowledged expert in the field.


Point of View: Musings of an Old Mason

Pat Streams - Pat Streams reflects on the cost of Freemasonry for young Initiates today - and proposes a novel solution.


The Infallible Plumb-Rule

Julian Rees - to thine own self be true - integrity

- that quality marked out in Freemasonry by the plumb-rule.


Book Reviews

Arturo de Hoyos - Morals and Dogmas

Raymond Hollins - The Masonic Mentor's Compendium

Ian Okell - Charlie Chaplin's Uncle

John Mandleberg - Morton Edwards, Sculptor, and The Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners


Square Humour - Cannon's Corner

The funny side of Freemasonry.


Freemasonry beyond the Lodge room

John Acaster - The socially valuable contribution of individual Freemasons to the life of their community and country is often overlooked or ignored.


Hints and tips for the new Mason

Fred Lomax - One of a Series of 5 Minute Talks.


The QC Column

Gordon Davie - News from the premier lodge of research.


Masonic Philately

Maurice Beazley  - The Queen of Sheba's Visit to King Solomon celebrated in stamps.


Leicester Lodge of Research

David Sharpe - News from the Leicester Lodge of Research.



News and Forthcoming Events.


Square End-piece

A Review - The Future of Freemasonry.

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