Thesaurus Mundi
Magnum Opus Hermetic Sourceworks No. 43
THESAURUS thesaurorum et secretum secretissimum is a fascinating alchemical manuscript, illustrated with numerous symbolic water-color drawings and figures of chemical and alchemical apparatus. The title, found on page 7, translates to "The Treasury of Treasures and the Most Secret Secret in which all the Mysteries of the World Lie Hidden, which God Revealed to a Vile and Abject Man and the Greatest Sinner through His Ineffable Mercy. The True Process of the Philosopher's Stone."
The text and legends accompanying the illustrations are primarily in Latin, with a few additions in German verse. A circular symbolic figure on page 83 is by a different and later hand.
On page 1, there is a cipher transcription: "Questo Process appartiene a me, Sebastiano Bologna Di Schio _ HB," which translates to "This process belongs to me, Sebastiano Bologna From Schio _ HB." The last letters could be numbers, possibly indicating the year 1782. Additionally, there is a transcription from page 1: "S.N.D.B.L.E./..../Philoponus P...A...B..."
Below the title of the second work on page 93, it is written: "Mei Magistri colendissimi piae memoriae," which translates to "In pious memory of my most revered master."
Date: Published: 2012
Page Number: 141
Cover Type: Handbound leather hardback
Edition: Limited
Translated by: Paul Ferguson
Signeb by: Adam McLean