Dr Paul Calderwood
V.W.Bro Dr. Paul Richard Calderwood PGSwdB is a specialist in this period of
history, having been awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Goldsmiths,
University of London, for his thesis on the history of Freemasonry in the
For his essay on Freemasonry and Architecture in twentieth-century Britain he
was awarded the Norman B. Spencer Prize in 2010, by Quatuor Coronati Lodge
No 2076, the premier lodge of Masonic research. Now a full member of that
Lodge, he served for three years as its Secretary. Since 2017 he has been the
Secretary of the Editorial Committee of QC and its Book Reviews Editor.
Appointed by UGLE as the Prestonian Lecturer for 2013, he is the author of a
number of books including Freemasonry and the Press in the twentieth century
and The Mark of the Red Dragon. He has also contributed sections within a
number of other books including The Treasures of English Freemasonry as well
as Reflections on 300 Years of Freemasonry. A former journalist, Dr
Calderwood's articles have appeared widely in a range of international journals.
He was initiated into Freemasonry in 1974 and is a former Assistant Metropolitan
Grand Master in the Craft and Assistant Metropolitan Grand Superintendent in
the Royal Arch. Currently he is the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Mark
Province of South Wales and the Provincial Prior of the Knight Templar Province
of Monmouth and South Wales.
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