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The English Illuminati

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The English Illuminati
The English Illuminati
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SKU: 9780853185451
(Approx $38.83)
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Published for the very first time, the English Illuminati rituals are revealed in full to the reader alongside other original source materials. A unique opportunity to see what really went on behind the scenes, changing perceptions and sharing the true story of the English branch of the world's most notorious order.

The book starts with a chance discovery - a secret manuscript locked in a box and hidden away in a private occult library. Within was found a handwritten notebook by Dr William Wynn Westcott. It had lain there for over a century, waiting patiently to be discovered and its contents brought to light.

Building on the scholarly work of The Secret School of Wisdom, the story of the English Illuminati starts a hundred years after the original order was banned. In 1880 the order was relaunched by Theodore Reuss in Munich and it is from this organisation that the secret documents originated, eventually finding themselves in the hands of W.W. Westcott. Westcott took it upon himself to have them translated and to introduce the Illuminati to English society at the turn of the 20th century.  Discover the fascinating men and women who were members of the order and other characters and mysterious societies active at the time and how they all fit into the story.

A beautifully illustrated book throughout, this work sheds a completely new light on the fraternity.  The majority of images have never been seen before. Those who wish to investigate further will be pleased to know it also includes a detailed index and bibliography.

Highly Illustrated throughout

232 pages

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