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Jonti Marks

Born in England and growing up here and in East Africa, Jonti was initiated into Freemasonry in

Lodge Harmony 3084 EC in Nairobi, Kenya, in August 1990. He later joined Lodge Scotia, 1008 SC,

also in Nairobi, and it was through the Scottish Lodge that he was first introduced to the Holy Royal

Arch, being exalted in Faith and Charity Chapter 329 SC in December 1991.

After moving back to England in 1998, Jonti, who has been a school teacher and headmaster

for the last 27 years, joined the Old Bromsgrovian Lodge 5743 EC where he is currently Installed

Master. In the last few years Jonti has also had the opportunity to be a founding member of the Old

Bromsgrovian Chapter and he was the first member to pass through all three Chairs of that Chapter.

This year he has the honour to be a Provincial Grand Steward in the Province of Worcestershire.

Jonti has been interested in the deeper meanings of Freemasonry from the earliest days of his

involvement with the Craft. He has always been keen to consider how the knowledge and wisdom

contained in our rituals can be applied in a meaningful way to the life of every Brother or Companion

who sits in Lodge and Chapter and who professes to subscribe to our particular and peculiar way of

seeing the world.

Jonti has recently given up teaching to pursue a full-time writing career. He is also an excellent and

passionate speaker who has a great love and reverence for the institution of Freemasonry. He is

known for his ability to both move and enlighten. He would be delighted to visit any Chapter or

Lodge to speak on his understanding of the significance of Freemasonry and its practical place in all

of our lives.

If you would like Jonti to speak at your Lodge or Chapter, please e-mail him at:

[email protected]

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