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The Duties Of The Apprentice Master - The Masonic Tutor's Handbooks Vol. 1

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SKU: 9781086544381
(Approx $9.71)
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Customer Reviews

The relationship between an Apprentice and their Master is the way in which the traditional wisdom of The Craft is passed on. In the fifteenth century, when Freemasonry began, there was no formal education for craftsmen. The training took place in working groups (lodges) where the apprentice received continuous supervision and guidance. The Apprentice Master would demonstrate and explain the task and afterwards the Apprentice would imitate the Master's skills whilst being guided and helped to their own understanding. This book is a practical guide for an Apprentice Master or Masonic Tutor to work with their Apprentice to develop skill and insight. It will help any aspiring Masonic Apprentice Master to fulfil their duties to develop, encourage and nurture the Apprentices In their care.

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