Heredom - Vol. 20
- Joseph Cerneau, Part 2 The Charleston Grand Council of P.R.S. & the Supreme Council of the U.S.A. by Alain Bernheim, 33
- The Masons & the Great Seal by Jay Macpherson, Ph.D.
- The Well Hung Tongue, or, On the Importance of Masonic Speech (and Silence) by Joshua G. Gunn, 32
- Marranos, Masons, & the Case of the Mislaid Text by Susan Mitchell Sommers, Ph.D.
- Just How Many Masonic Jewels Did Paul Revere Make? By Aimee E. Newell, Ph.D.
- Prince Hall's 1792 Charge: An Assertion of African Heritage by Gregory S. Kearse, 33
Pages: 333
Publication Date: 2012