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Rose Croix Essays - Spiral-bound edition

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ISBN: 0853182469
SKU: L82467
(Approx $25.88)
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Customer Reviews

Understand more clearly how this wonderful degree has grown to the successful and well-loved position it enjoys today in the Masonic Spectrum in England and Wales.

Subjects covered include the establishment and early years of the Supreme Council 33° for England and Wales, the birth of the Higher Degrees, the Constitutions of 1762 and the Grand Constitutions of 1786, the early rituals, the Intermediate Degrees and the evolution of today's English Rose Croix ritual.

This long awaited major piece of scholarship will undoubtedly become a standard work of reference for all members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite as well as for the wider public.

Approved by and produced with the sanction of the The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of England and Wales, this book contains a series of easy to perform, informative talks for performance in Rose Croix Chapters or to read at home.

297mm x 210mm 160pp Spiral-bound

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