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Taken By Surprise

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ISBN: 9780853184133
SKU: 9780853184133
(Approx $10.35)
In Stock In Stock
Customer Reviews

Never again will a Freemason be caught out by a last-minute request to make a response. Should you be given just a few moments to prepare for a speech, you will readily be able to locate, within the pages of this book, a statement that will allow you to enhance any short comment you make, giving it immediate relevance.

Taken by Surprise contains a complete set of instantly adaptable quotes suitable for any Masonic toast or response and is perfectly sized to fit discretely in a pocket or bag. Written in the inimitable style of professional speech maker and public speaker, Yasha Beresiner, author of the best-selling Masonically Speaking - which means that each and every response is witty, entertaining and easy to perform.

Paperback, 112 pages

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