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Masonic After Dinner Speaking

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ISBN: 085318142X
SKU: L81422
(Approx $11.59)
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Customer Reviews
Reprint Masonic After-Dinner speaking is treated with concern and dismay by many who are called upon to address an audience. It is a sad fact that what should be one of the most attractive features of Lodge after-proceedings can so often become a source of worry to the speaker and of boredom to his audience. Few have the gift of being natural a off-the-cuff speaker and all have to work carefully at preparing and delivering a speech that will give pleasure to audience and speaker alike. Laurence Ager has been a professional speechwriter for many years and has written speeches for brethren covering a wide range of individual requirements. His knowledge and expertise is now available for all to benefit from with the publication of this book. He provides sufficient elementary instruction to enable any mason to rise with some degree of confidence and to speak for the required few minutes without disgrace. Included are many examples of speeches covering a wide variety of masonic occasions which will help the reader to develop his talents and increase his confidence.

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