John E Burnapp
John Burnapp is a very active Freemason who has written and delivered a number of lectures and papers on a variety of masonic subjects, including: Masonic Myths, Legends and History; A Point Within a Circle – A look at the origins and meaning of this masonic symbol. So Who was Zerubbabel – A Biblical look at one of our favourite Masonic characters and those around him; Aurelius Constantinus – Emperor and Christian; Three Into One Will Go – Helping to Save Weak Chapters and Increase Royal Arch Membership.
A childhood love of public speaking, amateur dramatics and poetry, including delivering poetry recitations and scenes from plays at the Bedford Festival, could easily have led John into the theatre, but instead he joined the RAF in 1969 initially as a ground engineer, but later flying as aircrew on Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft. Leaving the RAF in 1992 he worked for a time in senior management in the NHS, leaving that to pursue a career in Management Consultancy, retiring in 2013
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