Kent Henderson
VWBro Kent Henderson, Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Education, Graduate Diploma of Education, Master of Education, Past Grand Inspector of Workings, is a member of several Craft lodges in Australia and overseas including The Grand Masters Lodge (Dublin).
He is full member of both the Lodge of Research, Dublin, and Quatuor Coronati Lodge (of research), London - the Premier Lodge of Research
(and its only ever Australian Full Member). He is a Past Master, and Fellow, of the Victorian Lodge of Research, and a former long-term co-editor of its Transactions.
He is also a member of, and in most cases a Past Master (or equivalent), of many additional Masonic Orders, and is the secretary of four lodges. He is a former long-term Secretary, and currently Immediate Past President, of the Australian & New Zealand Masonic Research Council, was the Kellerman Lecturer for Victoria in 1994.
He is the author of many books and papers on Freemasonry, including Masonic World Guide (Lewis Masonic, London, 1984), The Masonic Grand Masters of Australia (Drakeford, Melbourne, 1989), Freemasonry Universal-A New Guide to the Masonic World, Volumes One & Two (Global Masonic Publications, Melbourne, 1998 & 2000 - with co-author Tony Pope), Freemasonry for Wives & Others (Global Masonic Publications, Melbourne, 2001), with co-author Mark Furber, the North American Edition of the same book (2007) and Millennial Masonry (his collected papers) (Global Masonic Publication s - 2002).
He is often sought after as a speaker, and has spoken in lodges in England, Europe, New Zealand, Africa, Canada, The United Sates, and across Australia. He holds the Grand Lodge of South Australia's Diploma of Masonic Education, he was awarded the Danish 250th Anniversary Commemorative Medal in 1993 by the Grand Lodge of Denmark for 'his outstanding contribution to international Masonic Research', and is listed in Who's Who of Australian Writers (Thorpe, 1991 et al) and the International Who's Who of Writers (1995 et al).
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