Freemasonry Trivium and Quadrivium- No 218
The Victorian Lodge of Research No. 218 is a Masonic lodge established in 1911 in Melbourne, Australia, dedicated to Masonic research and education
In Freemasonry, the Trivium and Quadrivium are part of the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, which are introduced in the Fellow Craft degree. The Trivium consists of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric, while the Quadrivium comprises Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy
The Trivium is considered the foundation of communication and critical thinking:
Grammar: Knowledge and learning of language
Logic: Reasoning, questioning, and thinking with language
The Quadrivium focusses on the scientific arts and is associated with understanding the mysteries of the universe:
Arithmetic: Study of numbers
Geometry: Study of space and form
Music: Study of harmony and proportion
In Masonic philosophy, these arts are seen as tools for self-improvement and understanding the world. Geometry, in particular, is emphasised in Freemasonry as the pre-eminent science through which nature and the universe can be understood.
Date Published: 2023
Page Number: 189
Cover type: Paperback
Illustrations: Black and white