Manoj Sharma
W Bro Manoj Sharma’s oeuvre in Freemasonry is a long list of contributions to the Craft over
decades. In recent years we have been treated to a series of noteworthy studies and artistic
opuses. Freemasonry in Singapore - Commemorative Bicentenary Book (2019), a 55-minute musical
on the Masonic life of W Bro Sir Stamford Raffles (2019), the Freemasonry in Singapore Mural and
accompanying roll of plaques at Freemasons’ Hall Singapore (2020/21), The Zetland in the East
Lodge No 508 EC - Dodransbicentennial Commemorative Book (2021), Freemasonry and the Eastern
Archipelago Volume I (2022) and Freemasonry and the Eastern Archipelago Volume II (2023). These
works were undertaken under the purview of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern
Archipelago (DGLEA).
While the repertoire is impressive, the pinnacle of it is undoubtedly Freemasonry and the Eastern
Archipelago Volume I & II (FATEA Vol I & II). FATEA Vol I, a 216,006-word, 304-page monograph was
launched at the Annual Communication Banquet of the DGLEA in December 2022 in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia by the District Grand Master. It covers the period from time immemorial to
1919. FATEA Vol II, a 298,138-word, 304-page treatise completed the work by concluding the
narrative in London, England in April 2023. It was launched at the Half-Annual Communication
Banquet of the DGLEA in June 2023 at Sentosa in Singapore. Collectively, the tomes, at more
than 514,000 words, are more voluminous than JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Collectively, his Masonic authorship is approaching a million words.
W Bro Manoj Sharma was initiated, passed, raised, and is a Past Master of the premier lodge and
progenitor of the DGLEA—The Zetland in the East Lodge No 508 EC. He has served his District
and the Craft internationally in countless ways and continues to do so.
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