Philippa Faulks
Author, researcher and historical adventurer: Philippa's love of the spiritual arts and ancient mysteries has led her to write books on diverse subjects. In her first book The Masonic Magician - The Life and Death of Count Cagliostro and his Egyptian Rite she and her co-author, Robert Cooper, immersed themselves in the life of one of Europe's most fascinating enigmas: the alchemist and Freemason Count Alessandro Cagliostro. Her other books include The Secrets of Meditation, A Handbook for the Freemason's Wife, Henna Magic and The Zen Diet. Current projects include a historical mystery-solving tv series and several books on Hermetics and Ancient Egypt.
Philippa has also written for the Daily Mail, The Square Magazine and presented her paper on the alchemical links within Freemasonry at the prestigious Canonbury Masonic Research Centre Conference. She has made appearances on BBC 1 and Edge Media TV and has been featured in both national and regional newspapers with regards to her writing and also her campaign for hearing awareness (she is partially deaf).
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