Ric Berman
A Freemason for more than forty years and twice Prestonian Lecturer, Ric Berman holds
Grand Rank in the United Grand Lodge of England and is a Past Master of three English
Lodges including Quatuor Coronati Lodge, the premier lodge of Masonic research. He is also
an American Freemason, and a member or honorary member of lodges in five States, a
Fellow of the Philalethes Society and past Anson Jones lecturer.
As an historian, Ric researches and writes on eighteenth and nineteenth-century English,
Irish and American freemasonry within their respective social and political contexts. He has
written numerous journal articles and ten books, and has delivered plenary lectures
worldwide. Ric holds a Master’s in Economics from the University of Cambridge and a
Doctorate in History from the University of Exeter, following which he undertook post-
doctoral research at the University of Oxford’s Modern European History Research Centre.
He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, a Life Fellow of the Huguenot Society and a
Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford Brookes.
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