Tony Henley
Bro Tony was born in Lambeth, London in 1960. Growing up on the inner-city streets of the Lambeth Walk.
As a youth he enjoyed football playing three times for Chelsea juniors in 1970 – even being booked for a rough tackle in a match by non-other than the legendary Ron (Chopper) Harris who told him ‘What a great tackle lad but I have to book you!’
As a teenager Tony was fascinated by engines and after school, he worked in a motorbike shop in Lambeth. On leaving school he went straight into a motor bike trade repairing motor bikes and gained his apprenticeship working on Honda bikes.
In 1976 he became a postman in South west London progressing to a Postman Higher Grade in 1978. In 1980 he was promoted to an acting-inspector management role in a Royal Mail delivery office then to a Postal Executive in 1984. He gained promotion again in 1990 to running Delivery offices across South East London. During this period Tony led and implemented many projects across the area. In 2000 Tony was further promoted to an Area Performance Analysis Manager until early retirement in 2005. He then took up a role with Kent County Council looking after the postal services until 2010.
Tony became a freemason in 1994 being initiated into Wallwood Lodge No.5143 London and raised in May 1995, taking the Chair in 1998. He was immediately bitten by the ritual bug as the Lodge has a long tradition working Emulation ritual. He became a member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement in May 1995 and gained his Emulation Silver matchbox for the 1st degree in Nov 1995 and further going on to attain the 2nd degree in 1996, 3rd degree in 1997 and ceremony of Installation in 1999 and attaining a complete record on his matchbox. In 1998 he was approved by the Emulation Committee as an officially approved Preceptor of Emulation ritual. In 1998 he took over the Preceptorship of the Kirby Lodge of Instruction No.263 London a role which he held until 2013. He has guided nine other brethren to attain their own silver matchbox but more importantly gave advice and guidance to brethren who just wanted to improve their own ritual skills. Tony also works the Grand Stewards Lodge lectures – often referred to as the Emulation lectures - and has demonstrated these at lodges on request. He joined the premier Emulation working Kirby Lodge No.2818 London in 1996 and is an holder of London Grand Rank. He was exalted into the Holy Royal Arch in 1996 and holds Senior London Grand Chapter Rank. He has written two other masonic publications – 75 years of Wallwood lodge No.5143 and a Centenary celebration of Cheerybles Chapter No.2466. Tony has also had articles printed in the Masonic square magazine.
He was the Centenary Preceptor of the Empress Preceptory London gaining London Bodyguard status. He was also a member of SRIA Metropolitan College London gaining his 5th degree. Tony hold Rose Croix status in the Martinist and Élus Coëns order and is always exploring a esoteric path including Gnosticism and Hermeticism. He has also written and presented many esoteric papers on initiation and symbolism.
He was appointed a Magistrate in 1998 and was a Town Councillor. He has been a volunteer worker for the Marie Currie Cancer shop in Dartford for 20 years.
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