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Masonic Etiquette Today: A Modern Guide to Masonic Protocol

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ISBN: 9780853182979
SKU: 9780853182979
(Approx $23.29)
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Customer Reviews
This book draws together a number of different topics relating to Masonic protocol and provides a comprehensive guide to Masonic behaviour and practice. Topics covered include conduct and issues inside and outside the Lodge, such as dress, regalia, membership, voting, elections, precedence, seating, saluting, general procedures, visiting, behaviour (and difficulties), administrative matters and etiquette at dinner. The book also addresses topics of importance to Masons away from the Lodge, such as such as correspondence, ties and other Masonic wear, and openness.

Masonic Etiquette Today satisfies the perennial need for Freemasons to have a straightforward and reliable guide to protocol that is written by an authority on the subject and can be relied on to resolve most matters of conduct likely to arise both inside and outside the Lodge. No Worshipful Master, Secretary or Director of Ceremonies should be without a copy.

Binding Hardback Format 210 x 148 Extent 200 pages

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